Proper sizing of any heating/cooling system is crucial to good performance and best energy (utility) savings. Here's some top-level advice for comparing heat pumps, primarily in heating climates.
Discover the Essential 4 Steps for Comparing Heat Pumps: A Quick Guide to Making the Right Decision
Shawna HendersonMarch 05, 2024
Tags: COP, CSA F-280, ENERGY STAR, heat loss/heat gain, heat pumps, HSPF, Manual J
Forecasting Trouble: Why Attic Rain is More Than Just Bad Weather
Shawna HendersonFebruary 18, 2024
It’s February and we’ve just had another seasonal round of chocolates and hearts. Now it’s time for a shower of ‘attic rain’ articles. Attic rain happens in cold climates, in the depths of winter. Attic rain happens when the exterior temperature warms up suddenly - like when there’s a Chinook...
Greener Homes! Let’s Goooooo!!!
Shawna HendersonFebruary 13, 2024
Great news: the Greener Homes Initiative $5000 Grant is a fantastic success! Since the launch of the Greener Homes Program, the number of certified energy advisors has nearly doubled and home retrofit projects have increased four-fold. According to the federal announcement, over 165,000 homeowners have received their $5000, and the...
7 Must-Haves for a Hot House Makeover: Unveiling the Ideal Candidate for an Exterior Insulation Retrofit
Shawna HendersonNovember 09, 2023
A good time to do an exterior insulation retrofit is when it’s time to replace the siding or cladding. The best time is to do it when it’s time to replace the siding AND the windows. The best time to replace windows is when the siding needs to be replaced. Cladding, windows, roof. Replacement time means improvement time. Timing is everything. Not just for deferred maintenance, but also for the owner’s monthly budget.
The Big Risk Reduction Program: Canada's Low-Income Oil Heat to Heat Pump Program
Shawna HendersonNovember 02, 20232 comments
The federal government announced and has implemented a program where low income households can actually get the full cost of the heat pump and removing the oil furnace/tank covered. It’s been launched in Atlantic Canada. Why Atlantic Canada? For a program getting household off oil heat? Where better? Let me sing you my song about Atlantic Canada's perfect storm of housing issues: We have some of the oldest housing stock in the country We have some of the highest energy prices in the country We have the lowest median income We have the highest median income tax We have a large population of households on fixed income We have no access to cheap natural gas We have a higher than average rate of energy poverty Why only fund low-income households that use oil heat? What about low-income households heated by natural gas or electricity? Oil heat is expensive. I'm not sure that folks who live and work in gas- or electricity-dominated markets really get exactly how expensive. And there are other financial risk factors that need to be addressed when it comes to oil heat that don't apply to households using other energy sources.
12 Rockstar Retrofit Advisors
Shawna HendersonNovember 02, 2023
Our Whole House Energy Retrofit Course is a big deal! That’s why we amplified and expanded our in-house expertise with a squad of colleagues and peers to ensure that we could meet our goal of a Pan-Canadian course. Before we got really going on the content, the curriculum was reviewed...
Tags: advisory group, Andy Cockburn, building science, Built Green Canada, Casey Grey, climate types, construction industry, Cooper Le, Dara Bowser, deep energy retrofit, Don Fugler, energy conservation, Gail Lawlor, Gary Sharp, NAIMA, Peter Darlington, Richard Kadulski-Lion, Solar Homes Inc, Stephen Collete, The Conscious Builder, Tommy Byun, Whole House Energy Retrofits
Get Ready to Master the Art of Whole House Energy Retrofits!
Shawna HendersonOctober 24, 2023
Upgrade your skills and join the movement towards energy-efficient, sustainable, and resilient homes with the Whole House Energy Retrofit course by Blue House Energy and Built Green Canada.
The Importance of Whole House Energy Retrofits in Canada
Shawna HendersonOctober 20, 2023
As the demand for housing continues to grow, it is more important than ever to prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability in residential construction and renovation. Whole house energy retrofits play a crucial role in meeting these goals, while also addressing the need for resiliency in the face of climate change and upcoming regulatory changes.
Transforming Homes for a Sustainable Future
Shawna HendersonOctober 18, 20231 comment
In partnership with Built Green Canada, the Whole House Energy Retrofit course offers an exciting opportunity for individuals to upgrade their skills and stay ahead of the game in the construction and energy efficiency industry. Participants will learn the 'Envelope First' approach to energy retrofitting, gaining expertise in assessing energy use, investigating and addressing building science challenges, and tackling heating/cooling upgrades. They will also explore the importance of developing a whole house retrofit plan.
Energy Advisor Exams: How to Answer Multi-Choice Questions
Shawna HendersonAugust 24, 2023
The Energy Advisor Exams are challenging. Time is limited, there's a lot of questions, and test anxiety is a real thing that can trip you up. Sometimes it's difficult to see the correct set of answers in a multi-choice exam question. When you are taking an exam or practicing for one, and you get stumped, about a list of options, ask yourself: which of these are simple facts? Blue House Energy has a whole module on study tips and test-taking strategies to help you pass Natural Resources Canada's Energy Advisor exams. Our goal is to see you succeed!
The Energy Advisor Exams: How to Overcome the Top 5 Challenges
Shawna HendersonAugust 22, 2023
While preparing for energy advisor exams may present challenges, there are solutions available to overcome them. Seek guidance, opt for flexible study programs, find comprehensive and up-to-date resources, build confidence through practice and support, and look for cost-effective options. By addressing these challenges head-on, you can enhance your exam preparation and increase your chances of success. Good luck!
Vapour Diffusion Retarders are Better than Vapour Barriers
Shawna HendersonAugust 09, 2023
In cold climates, the vapour retarder is installed on the warm side – typically directly behind the drywall. This location prevents the warm and relatively humid air from traveling into the wall where it may condense. But here’s the thing: Building scientists agree that the use of vapour impermeable retarders or barriers are not always necessary and in fact can be a poor strategy in all except the coldest climates such as northern Canada and Alaska. This is because the use of vapour impermeable barriers has two significant flaws:
3 Characteristics of a High Performance Building Process in 2024
Shawna HendersonAugust 04, 20231 comment
A high performance process for building high performance houses has 3 key characteristics: Integrated Design Process (IDP) Construction Quality Management Commissioning The best practice for building a high performance house is to make all the decisions about energy conservation measures during the design stage. This is the least expensive and most cost-effective part of the process. Decisions can be revisited based on energy modelling and costing before construction begins. This results in a package that works for the builder and for the homeowner.
Energy Advisor in the Field: Tips on being a Contractor or an Employee
Shawna HendersonJuly 14, 2022
One of the people who has gone through Blue House Energy’s Foundation Exam Prep and Energy Advisor Exam Prep program wrote to me and asked this question: “I currently have two offers of employment to get me going as an EA. One is as a contractor, paid on a per...
This Must Be The Place, Season 3: Another 18 Episodes of BS*
Shawna HendersonJuly 06, 2022
Hard to believe, but 7 July is the launch of Season Three of This Must Be the Place: The Building Science podcast! With 36 great episodes under our belt, we decided to change things up a bit for this season. Our next 18 episodes will be broken into three themes,...
Learn on the Road: Building Construction Technology Online Courses Now in Audio
Shawna HendersonJune 16, 2022
We know where you live. In your vehicle. And you like podcasts. It used to be that listening to the radio was the norm while driving, or when working on a construction site. CBC Radio 1 used to be on all day, every day on most sites when Blue House...