Our Whole House Energy Retrofit Course is a big deal! That’s why we amplified and expanded our in-house expertise with a squad of colleagues and peers to ensure that we could meet our goal of a Pan-Canadian course. Before we got really going on the content, the curriculum was reviewed...
12 Rockstar Retrofit Advisors
Shawna HendersonNovember 02, 2023
Tags: advisory group, Andy Cockburn, building science, Built Green Canada, Casey Grey, climate types, construction industry, Cooper Le, Dara Bowser, deep energy retrofit, Don Fugler, energy conservation, Gail Lawlor, Gary Sharp, NAIMA, Peter Darlington, Richard Kadulski-Lion, Solar Homes Inc, Stephen Collete, The Conscious Builder, Tommy Byun, Whole House Energy Retrofits
What a Difference a Decade Makes!
Shawna HendersonAugust 30, 2022
Blue House Energy started out as a thought experiment: how could we deliver standardized training in building science and construction technology to as many people as possible. First, it was Shawna criss-crossing the province, the country, the continent. Ya, right. Single mom away for most of the year? Not gonna...
This Must Be The Place, Season 3: Another 18 Episodes of BS*
Shawna HendersonJuly 06, 2022
Hard to believe, but 7 July is the launch of Season Three of This Must Be the Place: The Building Science podcast! With 36 great episodes under our belt, we decided to change things up a bit for this season. Our next 18 episodes will be broken into three themes,...