So it’s 2018! We’ve been busy tidying up some technical issues, sorting out the details on new offerings and updating our professional development credits.
First, the technical issues. Some people have been having problems with sound quality. It seems there’s a couple of things going on. At our end, there’s a known glitch with a version of our course authoring tool and the way it gets processed and served up on some browsers. We’ve taken care of that by updating the version we use and updating the files that are loaded to the learning platform. At your end, you might still experience some sound quality problems due to your connection and/or your computer. So here’s what you need to know, from the FAQs:
Technical Requirements
A notebook or desktop computer - NOT a tablet or smartphone at this time
The latest version of your operating system
The latest version of your browser, preferably Chrome, with Flash enabled
Stable broadband (high speed) connection - DSL, fibre, cable
Sound card with speakers that you have tested with other applications
No memory consuming programs running in the background, such as Dropbox, Norton Backup, etc.
What do I do if I cannot hear the sound?
Check your audio settings and speakers using another application.
Make sure you are using a stable broadband connection.
Ensure that your browser is up to date.
There is a sound icon on the lower left of the screen of the application - make sure your sound is not muted.
Free up memory by closing unneeded programs, especially background apps like Dropbox
Clear your browser cache
Try again.
Contact customer support if you’re still experiencing problems. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can to help figure out what’s going on.
New Stuff
We’ve launched a short course, Envelope Fundamentals. This one is geared to those who do insulation and air sealing work. It’s not so much about the ‘how to’ of installation, as the ‘why’ of healthy, safe and energy efficient houses. It covers building science, indoor air quality, healthy homes, the fundamentals of air sealing and insulation, and ventilation - because as you tighten up a house, you need to make sure you are providing a healthy indoor environment as well as energy savings.
Get 50% off until 30 January!
Get your Canadian discount here
Energy Advisor Foundation Training
We’ve heard that people are struggling to pass Natural Resources Canada’s Energy Advisor Foundation Exam. It’s tough!
And it needs to be tough.
Energy Advisors need to have strong knowledge in building science, construction, math, mechanicals, plans reading, and site safety. It’s not a superficial job, taking on energy modelling and making recommendations to homeowners through the EnerGuide for Houses program!
To make it easier, we’re working on a completely online/on demand Energy Advisor Foundation Training bundle. There will be five courses in the bundle:
Construction Technology
Home Performance for New and Existing Houses
Construction Math
Plans Reading
Construction Safety
The whole bundle of courses will be online by the end of February. We’ll be opening up a pre-purchase discount plan the week of January 15, look for details on how to register then!
CEUs and PDCs
Here’s the low-down on our continuing education credits:
Canada, get the goods on purchasing here:
1. Built Green Canada: Construction Technology gives you the continuing education requirements you need to keep your membership in good standing.
2. BC Housing: the following courses give you ‘A’ Points for BC Housing Continuing Professional Development:
Construction Technology: 20 points
Envelope Fundamentals: 16 points
Healthy Indoor Environment: 5 points
Understanding Mechanical Systems: 5 points
- Building Science Basics: pending
3. Alberta: get Master Building Training Credits through Professional Home Builders Institute
US, get the goods on purchasing here:
1. Building Performance Inc (BPI): The following courses are recognized for CEUs:
Construction Technology: 20 CEUs
Building Science Basics: 9 CEUs
Healthy Indoor Environment: 5 CEUs
Understanding Mechanical Systems: 5 CEUs
Envelope Fundamentals: pending
2. North American Technician Excellence (NATE): Building Science Basics is approved for 9 units in any residential AC or heating installation or service specialty.
3. AIA: Building Science Basics is approved for 9 LUs by AIA, in the HSW category. Register for credits through Green Home Institute.
4. LEED: Building Science Basics is approved for LEED credits in the US (only) by GBCI and earns 10 CE hours. Register for credits through Green Home Institute.